ArcGIS Online Feature Layer posting is a new premium feature for the Disaster Surveyor family of team management websites. After upgrading to a premium account, you now have the ability to post your waypoints data to your own ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Layer of your choice. Please Note: costs for any ArcGIS Online services are not included in the Disaster Surveyor premium license. You will need to open an ArcGIS account in order to use this data posting service.

To post your Waypoints data to an ArcGIS layer:
  • Click on “Login ArcGIS” in the right column of your Waypoints page (figure 97) and log in with your ArcGIS account (figure 98). After successful login, you will be returned back to the Disaster/CERT Surveyor waypoints screen.

Figure 97. Connecting your ArcGIS account to Disaster Surveyor

Figure 98. Logging in with your ArcGIS account

  • From your ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Layer page, copy the URL for the layer from the bottom right box you see in figure 99 and copy it to the URL box you see on the bottom right of your Waypoints page and click ‘Update’.

Figure 99. Feature Layer page on ArcGIS account

Figure 100. Updating ArcGIS Feature Layer URL on Waypoints page

  • From your list of saved Waypoints from your team, select items you wish to post to your ArcGIS feature layer, then click “send to arcgis” (figure 101). IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure your layer is prepared ahead of time with a Data Table with fields that Disaster Surveyor will send (see “Preparing your ArcGIS feature layer before posting” section below).
  • Once your items are successfully posted to ArcGIS, you will see a small ArcGIS icon appear next to the Waypoint that is currently posted (figure 102) and your items will now appear on your Hosted Feature Layer (figure 103).

Figure 101. Picking Waypoints to post to your ArcGIS layer.

Figure 102. Indicator that a Waypoint is shared on ArcGIS.

Figure 103. Sample Operations Dashboard with shared waypoints posted.

To remove your Waypoints data from an ArcGIS layer:
  • Select the checkboxes for waypoints that are currently shared that you wish to remove, then click “remove sent items” from the menu on the right (figure 104).

Figure 104. Removing Waypoints from ArcGIS layer.

Preparing your ArcGIS feature layer before posting:
  • The ArcGIS feature layer that you are posting to must have a Data table with the following field names attached (figure 105).
  • The feature layer must also be set to “Sharing Level: Public (everyone)” (figure 106).

Figure 105. Data Table required on Feature Layer to post.

Figure 106. Layer Sharing must be set to Public/Everyone.